Ama de casa, y amante del arte en general, la cocina y las manualidades siempre me han gustado pero a estas últimas no he podido dedicarle el tiempo necesario, desde hace un par de años he descubierto el arte de tejer a dos agujas, bordar en tul y hace poco más de un mes el crochet y me ha encantado!! Por eso he abierto este espacio para poder compartir con personas que tengan las mismas aficiones. No hay cosa más bonita que hacer algo por ti misma, y me satisface mucho poder hacer y regalar cosas hechas por mí, pues las hago con todo mi cariño.

martes, 23 de abril de 2024

Essential Guide To Safe Well Water Maintenance

If your home relies on well water, ensuring its safety and quality is your direct responsibility. Contaminated well water can harbor harmful bacteria, viruses, and chemicals that pose serious health risks. This comprehensive guide will arm you with the knowledge and best practices to maintain your well and ensure your family's drinking water is safe.

Why Well Water Maintenance Matters

  • Health Protection: Well water must be free from contaminants that can cause illness, particularly for vulnerable populations like infants, the elderly, or those with compromised immune systems.
  • Long-Term Well Functionality: Preventative maintenance prolongs the life of your well system, reducing costly repairs and replacements.
  • Peace of Mind: Staying on top of well inspection and management allows you to trust the water you drink and use.

Key Steps for Maintaining Your Well

1. Well Construction and Location

  • Professional Installation: Hire licensed well drillers to ensure proper construction, preventing surface water contamination.
  • Safe Site: The well should be situated away from potential contamination sources like livestock areas, septic systems, or chemical storage.
  • Uphill Placement: Wells installed on a slope should be uphill from contamination sources.

2. Regular Well Inspections

  • Annual Checkups: Schedule yearly inspections with a qualified well contractor to assess your system's overall condition.
  • Look for Changes: Monitor your well for any signs of damage, including cracks in the casing, a damaged or missing well cap, or pooling water near the wellhead.
  • Professional Assistance: If you detect any issues, contact a well professional immediately for repair.

3. Water Testing

  • Annual Testing (Minimum): Test your water for bacteria and nitrates at least once a year with a certified lab.
  • Contamination Suspicions: Immediately test your water if you notice changes in taste, odor, or color.
  • Nearby Activities: Test more frequently if activities near your well increase the risk of contamination (e.g., agriculture, new construction).

4. Maintaining the Wellhead

  • Secure and Sanitary Well Cap: Ensure your well cap is tightly sealed and free of cracks. It should have a vermin-proof screen over the vent.
  • Ground Slope: The ground around the well should slope away to prevent water pooling.
  • Keep it Clear: Maintain a clutter-free area around the well to limit pest habitats and simplify inspection.

5. Protecting Your Well from Contamination

  • Safe Distances: Keep known contamination sources (septic systems, livestock, fertilizer storage) well away from your well, following your local regulations for distances.
  • Mindful Chemical Use: Avoid using pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers near the well.
  • Proper Waste Disposal: Never dispose of hazardous, chemical, or medical waste near your well.

Additional Tips

  • Well Records: Keep detailed records of well construction, testing results, and any repairs or maintenance.
  • Treatment Systems: If water tests indicate contamination, consider installing a suitable water treatment system.
  • Unused Wells: Decommission abandoned wells according to professional guidelines to protect groundwater.

The Importance of Professional Well Contractors

Always seek the expertise of licensed well contractors and pump installers for construction, repairs, and in-depth inspections. They possess the knowledge and tools to keep your well system operating effectively and safely.

By diligently following these guidelines, you'll significantly safeguard your family's health and ensure the longevity of your well water supply.

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sábado, 20 de abril de 2024






Buenos días, mi nombre es Jorge Martínez, representante de Prefabricamos viviendas.
Somos constructores y fabricantes de casas de estructura de entramado ligero de madera y/o de viga laminada en madera, nuestro sistema constructivo sigue el estándar passivhaus.
No tenemos un catálogo de casas, fabricamos la casa que el arquitecto diseña para su cliente, es decir, a medida.
Nuestra fábrica con más de 50.000 m2 está absolutamente robotizada y mecanizada, puede realizar más de 30 casas al mes de 250 m2 a un solo turno.
Podemos trabajar de dos formas, realizando la casa al 100%, lo que se llama un llave en mano o si se desea podemos realizar exclusivamente el kit casa (fachada, forjados, cubierta, tabiquería de resistencia, tabiquería básica y SATE) y que una constructora local realice el resto de la obra, tenemos cuatro tipos de kits casas:
  • Kit casa estándar.
  • Kit casa estándar passivhaus.
  • Kit casa ecológico
  • kit casa eco passivhaus.
Si el arquitecto no está familiarizado con este sistema constructivo, no tiene que preocuparse pues tenemos oficina técnica que pueden realizar el cálculo estructural.
Si nos manda su diseño en AutoCAD / DWG, nuestros ingenieros en fábrica levantan el control numérico de esa casa y hacemos las siguientes entregas de información:
  • Varios diseños de su casa en 3D.
  • Un diseño en 3D con visualizador para poder poner y quitar capas con el fin de ver su casa por dentro y por fuera de forma detallada.
  • Despiece de control numérico de todos los componentes estructurales de la casa.
  • Oferta final del kit casa.
Es imposible realizar un precio de un kit casa por m2, para poder dar un precio, debemos tener el proyecto del cliente en formato AutoCAD / DWG, este proyecto se pasa a los ingenieros de fábrica que realizan el modelo mecánico de la vivienda y con esta información sabemos los m3 de madera a utilizar y de esta forma si estamos en disposición de poder hacer una estimación y muy cercana a la realidad.
El precio depende mucho de la complejidad de la casa, si es cubierta inclinada o cubierta plana, influye también mucho las dimensiones de las vigas, de las alturas y también depende en algunas ocasiones de la accesibilidad en la parcela.





Para todo lo expuesto, nos ponemos a su disposición para cualquier consulta que estime oportuna, si lo desea puede llamarme al teléfono / whatsapp +34 639 12 46 67.
Un saludo y quedo a la espera de sus noticias.
Jorge Martínez Saura
Coordinación y dirección comercial

Doctor ingeniero


Áreas Termales le informa que sus datos han sido incluidos en el fichero "Clientes destinatarios de servicios de Áreas Termales" con la finalidad de hacerle partícipe de las campañas informativas que pudieran resultar de su interés. Dichos datos proceden de directorios de servicios de comunicaciones electrónicas, los cuales están catalogados por la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos 15/1999 como "fuentes accesibles al público", o han sido facilitados por usted. Dicha Ley le garantiza el derecho de acceso, según el cual podrá solicitar y obtener gratuitamente información de sus datos de carácter personal sometidos a tratamiento, el origen de los mismos y las comunicaciones realizadas o que se prevén hacer. Así mismo, le asiste el derecho a oponerse, previa petición y sin gastos, al tratamiento de los datos que le conciernen. En ese caso, dichos datos serían dados de baja en el fichero.

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2024

Articulo para | Marruecos y España rompen lazos energéticos en 2024

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Soy Emma Martin, redactora de Papernest, y editora de la sección del blog que se ocupa del apartado de información y temas relacionados con energía, nuevas tendencias y sostenibilidad.

Creemos que podría interesarte nuestro último artículo que habla sobre como Marruecos y España han roto lazos energético en 2024.

Te enviamos este artículo pensando que podría ser interesante para ti y para tus lectores. Puedes publicarlo tal cual está o modificarlo a tu gusto en función de tus necesidades editoriales. Si necesitas imágenes adicionales, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros.

Sólo pedimos que se especifique nuestra fuente con la siguiente anotación por motivos de derechos de autor.


Marruecos y España rompen lazos energéticos en 2024

Marruecos y España se encuentran en una encrucijada en su asociación energética, una situación que ha ido cobrando relevancia desde octubre de 2021, cuando se produjo el cierre del gaseoducto Magreb-Europa. Este ducto, que anteriormente transportaba gas argelino a España a través de los yacimientos de Hassi R'Mel, quedó fuera de servicio, lo que desencadenó una serie de desafíos para ambas naciones en términos energéticos.

España y Marruecos, una relación energética de usar y tirar

El conflicto radica en la tensión diplomática entre Marruecos y Argelia, un factor determinante en el cierre del gaseoducto. Argelia, en respuesta a las tensiones bilaterales, decidió interrumpir el suministro de gas a través de esta ruta, privando a Marruecos del acceso al gas argelino que anteriormente recibía. Ante esta situación, Marruecos se vio en la necesidad de buscar alternativas viables para satisfacer su demanda energética.

En 2022, Marruecos encontró un socio estratégico en España para abordar su desafío energético. Ambos países acordaron modificar la dirección del gaseoducto Magreb-Europa, permitiendo el transporte de gas de norte a sur. Esta medida ofreció un respiro momentáneo a Marruecos, pero no resolvió por completo su dependencia energética de Argelia.

A pesar del cambio en la dirección del gaseoducto, Argelia mantuvo su postura de no permitir que Marruecos accediera al gas argelino. Ante esta negativa, Marruecos se vio obligado a explorar otras opciones para asegurar su suministro de gas. Una solución temporal fue la importación a un precio razonable de Gas Natural Licuado (GNL) para satisfacer sus necesidades energéticas.

España desempeñó un papel crucial en este proceso al proporcionar certificados que garantizaban que el gas importado no tenía origen argelino, evitando así conflictos diplomáticos adicionales.

Desafíos energéticos de Marruecos y acciones para superarlos

La sanción de Argelia representó un desafío significativo para Marruecos, que se vio obligado a replantear su estrategia energética. Esta crisis sirvió como catalizador para que Marruecos buscará la independencia energética y diversificará sus fuentes de energía. 

En consecuencia, Marruecos inició un ambicioso programa de desarrollo de infraestructuras de gas, con el objetivo de construir tres plantas regasificadoras de GNL, tanques de almacenamiento y gaseoducto que abastezcan a las principales compañías de gas del país..

La construcción de la primera regasificadora ya está en marcha en Nador West Med, y se están planificando otras dos en Mohammedia y Dajla. Además, Marruecos tiene la visión de establecer un gaseoducto submarino que atraviese varios países para transportar gas nigeriano. Sin embargo, la materialización de este proyecto depende en gran medida de la aprobación de Nigeria y podría llevar varios años completarse.

La búsqueda de Marruecos por la independencia energética

Mientras Marruecos trabaja en su independencia energética, también se está comprometiendo con el desarrollo de energías renovables. Proyectos como la planta solar de Noor Ouarzazate y el parque eólico de Tarfaya reflejan el compromiso del país con un futuro más sostenible y respetuoso con el medio ambiente.

Con la ambición de producir el 52% de su electricidad a partir de fuentes renovables para 2030, Marruecos está trazando un camino hacia un futuro energético más verde y autosuficiente.

En esta búsqueda de independencia energética, Marruecos está decidida a poco a poco, cortar sus lazos energéticos de dependencia anteriormente nombrados, en pos de una autosuficiencia energética de carácter renovable y orgánica.

Aún está por ver qué efectos tendrá en el mercado energético español, ya que los cambios drásticos en el gas como producto también tienen efectos colaterales en el precio de la luz, y por ende, se tendrá que estudiar si esto tendrá un efecto en la factura de la luz o el gas de los españoles.


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Gracias por adelantado por tu respuesta.

Que tengas un buen día.

Un saludo,


Emma Martin

Content Manager

Marketing | Papernest

C/ Ramón Turró, 200, 08005, Barcelona, Spain

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How To Get Rid of iron In Well Water

If you're struggling with rusty-looking stains on your sinks, a metallic taste in your water, or concerns about the safety of your well, the culprit is likely excess iron. Several proven methods exist to remove iron from your well water, including filtration, aeration, and oxidation. Understanding the causes of iron in your well and the various removal solutions empowers you to make the best decision for your home.

Iron naturally occurs in soil and rocks. As rainwater percolates through the ground, it can dissolve iron minerals, carrying them into your well water. This issue is particularly common in areas with naturally iron-rich geology or if you have older well components that may be corroding.

How Does Iron Get Into My Well Water?

The primary way iron enters well water is through natural processes. Groundwater seeps through iron-rich soil and rock formations, dissolving iron minerals along the way. Additionally, older well casings, pipes, or pumps made of iron-based materials can gradually rust, contributing to elevated iron levels in your well water.

What Problems Does Iron in Well Water Cause?

  • Staining: Iron in well water is notorious for leaving unsightly reddish-brown stains on your plumbing fixtures, sinks, tubs, laundry, and even dishes.
  • Metallic Taste and Odor: You may notice an unpleasant metallic taste or even a rusty odor in your drinking water and in beverages made with it.
  • Appliance Damage: Over time, iron buildup can clog pipes and reduce the lifespan of water heaters, dishwashers, and other appliances.
  • Potential Health Concerns: While iron is an essential nutrient, the EPA notes that excessive long-term consumption could pose health risks, primarily for individuals with certain medical conditions.
  • Iron Bacteria: Iron in well water can promote the growth of iron bacteria, leading to slimy buildups and a worsening of taste, odor, and clogging issues.

How Do I Test for Iron in My Well Water?

  • DIY Kits: Simple home test kits provide a basic indication of iron presence, but they may not be accurate enough for precise decision-making.
  • Professional Lab Testing: For comprehensive results and critical information about your exact iron levels and other water quality parameters, send a water sample to a certified lab. Local health departments or water treatment companies can often help you find testing services.

What Are the Best Ways to Remove Iron from Well Water?

  • Filtration Systems

    • Sediment Filters: These basic filters can remove some larger iron particles, but may be insufficient for higher iron levels.
    • Iron-Specific Filters: Specialized filters with various media types trap and remove iron effectively, making them a popular treatment solution.
    • Water Softeners: Traditional water softeners can remove small amounts of iron through ion exchange, but are more focused on addressing water hardness.
    • Maintenance: Regardless of the filter type, regular replacement according to the manufacturer's instructions and monitoring your water quality with testing will ensure continued effectiveness.
  • Aeration

    • Process: Aeration injects air into the water, oxidizing soluble ferrous iron into insoluble ferric iron, making it filterable.
    • Best for: Aeration is ideal for high iron levels and is often combined with filtration for optimal results.
  • Chemical Oxidation (Chlorination)

    • Process: Chlorine injection oxidizes iron and disinfects the water. Filtration then removes the oxidized particles.
    • Considerations: Chlorine can affect water taste, requiring additional filtration steps, and needs careful handling due to its potential hazards.
  • Other Methods

    • Reverse Osmosis: This removes a wide range of contaminants, including iron, but may be less cost-effective for targeting iron specifically.
    • Distillation: Similar to reverse osmosis, it's very effective but may not be practical as a primary solution for whole-house iron removal.

How Much Does Iron Removal Cost?

The cost to remove iron varies greatly depending on:

  • Iron Level: Higher iron concentrations may require more complex treatment systems.
  • Water Usage: The size of your household and water demand impact system capacity needs
  • Chosen Method: Simple filters are less expensive, while aeration or chlorination systems have higher upfront and potential maintenance costs.
  • DIY vs. Professional: Professional installation adds expense but is often recommended for complex setups.

Can I Remove Iron from My Well Water Myself?

The possibility of DIY installation depends on your skill level and the chosen method. Installing basic sediment filters or under-sink iron filters can be within a homeowner's capability. For whole-house systems, aeration, or chlorination, professional consultation and installation are usually the safest and most reliable route.


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lunes, 8 de abril de 2024

Well Water Safety: Testing, Contaminants, and Treatment Solutions

If you rely on a private well for your water supply, well water testing is essential to ensure the safety of your drinking water, as well as for overall household use. Unlike municipal water sources, which undergo regular treatment and monitoring, private wells are the homeowner's responsibility. This means that potential contaminants – whether from natural sources, human activities, or well system malfunctions – may not be detected without proactive testing.

Well water can harbor various contaminants that might affect your health. Bacteria, like E. coli, can cause gastrointestinal illnesses, while nitrates pose a particular risk for infants. Heavy metals like lead and arsenic have links to developmental problems and long-term health risks. Other contaminants, including minerals and chemicals, might not cause immediate illness but can affect the taste, odor, or appearance of your water.

Regular well water testing is the only way to proactively identify these potential issues. By understanding what's in your water, you can make informed decisions about treatment options and protect your household's health.

Why Well Water Testing Matters

Common Contaminants and Health Risks

It's crucial to understand that even clear, pleasant-tasting well water can contain harmful contaminants. Here are some of the most concerning categories:

  • Bacteria: Bacteria like coliform and E. coli can originate from septic systems or animal waste. They typically cause gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Nitrates: Nitrates often leach into groundwater from fertilizers, septic systems, or livestock operations. They're particularly dangerous for infants, leading to "blue baby syndrome" (methemoglobinemia), a condition that reduces the blood's ability to carry oxygen.
  • Lead: Lead in drinking water often comes from corroded plumbing materials. Lead exposure can cause developmental delays and learning difficulties in children, and health problems in adults, including high blood pressure and kidney issues.
  • Arsenic: Arsenic is a naturally occurring element found in some rock formations. Long-term arsenic exposure increases the risk of various cancers, including skin, bladder, and lung cancer.
  • Radon: Radon is a radioactive gas that can seep into wells from underground sources. Exposure to radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking.
  • Other Contaminants: Well water can also contain excessive minerals (hardness, iron), pesticides, industrial chemicals, and other contaminants with varying health effects.

Long-Term Health Considerations

Some contaminants may not cause immediate illness, but their effects can accumulate with long-term exposure. Regular well water testing is the best way to monitor these potential risks and take action to keep your water safe. Additionally, well water testing gives you a baseline so you can detect any changes in your water quality over time.

Peace of Mind

Knowing what's in your well water offers peace of mind. When you're sure your water is safe, you can confidently use it for drinking, cooking, bathing, and other household activities, ensuring your family's health and well-being.

When to Test Your Well Water

Recommended Testing Frequency

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends testing your well water at least annually for total coliform bacteria, nitrates, total dissolved solids, and pH levels. More frequent testing might be necessary depending on your area's risk factors or if you notice changes in your water.

Situations Requiring Immediate Testing

In addition to routine testing, schedule water testing immediately if you experience any of the following:

  • New Well or Major Repairs: If you have a newly constructed well or have undergone significant repairs, testing ensures it's producing safe water.
  • Changes in Water Quality: Changes in taste, odor, or appearance (cloudiness, unusual colors) can indicate contamination.
  • Gastrointestinal Illness: If household members experience unexplained stomach issues, test for bacterial contamination.
  • Infants or Pregnancy: Infants and pregnant women are more susceptible to waterborne contaminants, so extra precaution is vital.
  • Malfunctioning Septic Systems: Issues with your septic system increase the risk of groundwater contamination near your well.
  • Changes in Land Use: If new agricultural operations, industrial facilities, or other potential sources of contamination move near your property, prompt testing is warranted.

Staying Proactive

Remember, well water contamination isn't always obvious. Regular testing is a crucial part of responsible well ownership and ensures a safe drinking water supply for your household.

How to Get Your Well Water Tested

Types of Tests

  • DIY Test Kits: Home testing kits provide a basic analysis for some common contaminants like bacteria, nitrates, and pH. These kits offer limited accuracy and shouldn't replace thorough professional testing.
  • Professional Laboratories: Accredited laboratories offer comprehensive water testing services that analyze a wide range of contaminants, including bacteria, heavy metals, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). They provide detailed reports and guidance on interpreting results.

Finding Reputable Labs

Choosing a certified laboratory is critical for accurate results and reliable recommendations. Here's how to find one:

  • State Health or Environmental Departments: Contact your state health department or the equivalent environmental agency for a list of accredited water testing labs in your area.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): The CDC provides resources for finding certified laboratories.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA maintains a list of certified drinking water laboratories by state.

Understanding Your Test Results

Labs provide a detailed analysis of your water, including the levels of detected contaminants. Compare the results to the EPA's drinking water standards to determine if any contaminants exceed safe limits. Resources from agencies like the CDC and state health departments can help you interpret your results and determine the appropriate course of action.

What to Do If Your Well Water is Contaminated

Don't Panic

While concerning, most well water contamination issues are treatable. The first step is to understand the specific contaminants present, their potential health effects, and the appropriate remediation options.

Immediate Actions

  • Stop Drinking the Water: If contaminants exceed safe levels, immediately stop drinking and using your well water for cooking or brushing teeth.
  • Use Bottled Water: Use a reliable source of bottled water for drinking, cooking, and other essential needs until you implement a solution.

Seek Professional Guidance

  • Contact Your Health Department: Consult your state or local health department for guidance tailored to the specific contaminant(s) found in your water. They can help you understand health risks and recommend next steps.
  • Consult a Well Water Specialist: A certified well water contractor can assess your well system, identify potential contamination sources, and recommend treatment options.

Treatment Options

The best treatment solution depends on the type and level of contaminant(s). Some common options include:

  • Filtration Systems: Various filters target specific contaminants like bacteria, nitrates, heavy metals, or minerals.
  • Distillation: Distillation removes minerals, some metals, and effectively eliminates bacteria and viruses.
  • Chlorination: Chlorination effectively kills bacteria and viruses but may not address other contaminants.
  • Other Technologies: Technologies like reverse osmosis or ultraviolet (UV) light treatment offer solutions for a range of contaminants.

Choosing the Right Solution

Always consult with professionals to determine the most appropriate treatment system based on your test results, well characteristics, and household needs.

Well Maintenance for Safe Water

Alongside testing, regular well maintenance is crucial for protecting your water supply and extending the lifespan of your well system. Here's why it matters:

  • Preventing Contamination: Well maintenance helps identify and address potential points of contamination before they affect your water quality.
  • Ensuring System Functionality: Regular inspections catch mechanical issues early, preventing malfunctions that could compromise water safety or lead to costly repairs.
  • Proactive Protection: Well maintenance empowers you to take proactive steps safeguarding your drinking water, rather than just reacting to problems as they arise.

Key Maintenance Practices

  • Annual Inspections: Schedule yearly checkups with a qualified well contractor to inspect your well's casing, cap, and mechanical components.
  • Proper Location and Construction: Follow guidelines for well placement at a safe distance from potential contamination sources (septic systems, livestock pens, etc.). Ensure your well is constructed according to standards, with a sanitary seal preventing surface runoff from entering.
  • Protecting Your Wellhead: Maintain a clear area around your wellhead, keep it free of debris, and ensure the well cap is securely in place.
  • Monitoring for Changes: Be observant. Report any changes in your water, unusual activity around your well, or damage to the well.
  • Septic System Maintenance: Regularly pump and inspect your septic system to prevent malfunctions that could contaminate your well.

Safeguarding Your Well Water: Key Takeaways and Next Steps

Well water testing is an essential responsibility for private well owners. Regular testing identifies potential contaminants that may pose health risks, allowing you to make informed decisions about water treatment for safe consumption and household use. Understanding common contaminants, when to test, how to choose a lab, and simple maintenance practices significantly reduces risks and ensures ongoing access to safe drinking water.

Key Takeaways

  • Well water, unlike municipal water, isn't regularly treated or monitored.
  • Bacteria, nitrates, lead, arsenic, and other contaminants can jeopardize the safety of your water supply.
  • Test your well at least annually, and more often if risk factors are present or you notice changes in your water.
  • Professional water testing laboratories provide the most comprehensive analysis and guidance.
  • Prioritize regular well inspections and maintenance to prevent contamination and protect your investment.

Don't take chances with your family's health. If you rely on a private well:

  • Locate a certified water testing lab near you. Contact your state health department for resources as a starting point.
  • Schedule your initial well water test. Discuss the details of the testing process and expected timeframe for results with your chosen lab.
  • Consult a well water professional. Have a qualified contractor inspect your well system and offer advice on maintenance best practices.

By following these steps, you'll gain the peace of mind that comes from knowing your well water is safe and protecting the well-being of your household.

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martes, 2 de abril de 2024






Buenos días, mi nombre es Jorge Martínez, representante de Prefabricamos viviendas.
Somos constructores y fabricantes de casas de estructura de entramado ligero de madera y/o de viga laminada en madera, nuestro sistema constructivo sigue el estándar passivhaus.
No tenemos un catálogo de casas, fabricamos la casa que el arquitecto diseña para su cliente, es decir, a medida.
Nuestra fábrica con más de 50.000 m2 está absolutamente robotizada y mecanizada, puede realizar más de 30 casas al mes de 250 m2 a un solo turno.
Podemos trabajar de dos formas, realizando la casa al 100%, lo que se llama un llave en mano o si se desea podemos realizar exclusivamente el kit casa (fachada, forjados, cubierta, tabiquería de resistencia, tabiquería básica y SATE) y que una constructora local realice el resto de la obra, tenemos cuatro tipos de kits casas:
  • Kit casa estándar.
  • Kit casa estándar passivhaus.
  • Kit casa ecológico
  • kit casa eco passivhaus.
Si el arquitecto no está familiarizado con este sistema constructivo, no tiene que preocuparse pues tenemos oficina técnica que pueden realizar el cálculo estructural.
Si nos manda su diseño en AutoCAD / DWG, nuestros ingenieros en fábrica levantan el control numérico de esa casa y hacemos las siguientes entregas de información:
  • Varios diseños de su casa en 3D.
  • Un diseño en 3D con visualizador para poder poner y quitar capas con el fin de ver su casa por dentro y por fuera de forma detallada.
  • Despiece de control numérico de todos los componentes estructurales de la casa.
  • Oferta final del kit casa.
Es imposible realizar un precio de un kit casa por m2, para poder dar un precio, debemos tener el proyecto del cliente en formato AutoCAD / DWG, este proyecto se pasa a los ingenieros de fábrica que realizan el modelo mecánico de la vivienda y con esta información sabemos los m3 de madera a utilizar y de esta forma si estamos en disposición de poder hacer una estimación y muy cercana a la realidad.
El precio depende mucho de la complejidad de la casa, si es cubierta inclinada o cubierta plana, influye también mucho las dimensiones de las vigas, de las alturas y también depende en algunas ocasiones de la accesibilidad en la parcela.





Para todo lo expuesto, nos ponemos a su disposición para cualquier consulta que estime oportuna, si lo desea puede llamarme al teléfono / whatsapp +34 639 12 46 67.
Un saludo y quedo a la espera de sus noticias.
Jorge Martínez Saura
Coordinación y dirección comercial

Doctor ingeniero


Áreas Termales le informa que sus datos han sido incluidos en el fichero "Clientes destinatarios de servicios de Áreas Termales" con la finalidad de hacerle partícipe de las campañas informativas que pudieran resultar de su interés. Dichos datos proceden de directorios de servicios de comunicaciones electrónicas, los cuales están catalogados por la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos 15/1999 como "fuentes accesibles al público", o han sido facilitados por usted. Dicha Ley le garantiza el derecho de acceso, según el cual podrá solicitar y obtener gratuitamente información de sus datos de carácter personal sometidos a tratamiento, el origen de los mismos y las comunicaciones realizadas o que se prevén hacer. Así mismo, le asiste el derecho a oponerse, previa petición y sin gastos, al tratamiento de los datos que le conciernen. En ese caso, dichos datos serían dados de baja en el fichero.